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GCSEs/A Levels

Writer's picture: TOG TOG

Loads of who have been in touch asking how I stayed motivated during my GCSEs and A Levels.

Now, trust me, I know they can seem like they're never ending and, yes, the revision can, at times, get really boring BUT it's all about keeping your eye on the end goal. For me, this was Oxford; the exams were a stepping stone towards fulfilling my dream and I knew I needed to stay focused.

That's certainly not everyone's goal; yours might be a certain career path, dreaming of your gap year or getting through with the excitement of the long summer ahead.

Whatever it is that keeps you motivated, remember the revision isn't forever and it WILL be worth it!

Top Tips

* Small, meaningful chunks - telling yourself you have to revise for hours at a time can feel overwhelming so break your revision down e.g once I've done 2 hours, I'll go for a walk or at the end of the day, I'll see a friend.

* Plan - for me planning is the best stress-buster - make a revision timetable, so you're clear what you've got to do and can see at a glance that there is time to get it done.

* Think about your end goal to stay motivated!

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