By Millie

'This was written by one of our student ambassadors after a bad day. Millie thought about how everyone puts on such a brave front in Oxford, and no one really lets on about the hard days. In reality, everyone is probably going through a difficult time, so she thought she would share this poem to reflect that.'
I’m the first presenter.
Usually, I love to present. Usually, I can deal with being in pain.
Together, its crippling.
Everyone says it was an excellent talk--
Loud and clear voice, loud and clear narrative.
Maybe it was,
I wouldn’t know,
I was too busy not doubling over in pain.
I sit, shuffle, squirm through the next few talks
With my hot water bottle on display.
Hot flush, cold sweats, cramping, aching, downing bottles of water.
We all clap, I leave, and cry a little in the toilets.
The bare minimum of making it through is my proudest achievement.