What better way to find out whether Oxford is for you than by spending a whole day here?!
You, your parents and teachers are invited to to attend events, visit the colleges and faculties and talk to staff and students.
There is no one main campus at Oxford, so these events will take place all around the city. All venues are within a 15 minute walk from the city centre.
This year's open days will take place on Wednesday 28 June, Thursday 29 June and Friday 15 September 2017 - I'll be there and hope lots of you will be too!
Top Tips
Pinpoint which colleges teach your subject before you go and shortlist a few to look around - there's no way you'll be able to see all of them.
Ask questions - this is your opportunity to find answers!
Take a pen and paper - write notes at your faculty talks, they'll no doubt prove useful further down the line.
Check the programme on offer at your subject department.