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There is so much more to Oxford life than just studying...

Hi, my name is Mary and this is my first official post as a TOG Ambassador. I am a Fresher from Somerville College and I study Biochemistry.

Although I haven’t been in Oxford very long, I have so much to say about life here. One of the things I was very worried about was that I would not get the full university experience. I believed I would be stuck in my room, or in the libraries, studying 24/7. Granted, there is a lot of studying (it is Oxford after all) however, I have still found time to do so many other things.

I am lucky enough to have already made such amazing, like-minded friends at uni. I was so worried that after Freshers’ week I would not have much time to spend with them. This has definitely not been the case. Eating in hall is a great time to socialise with your friends after a day of lectures. In addition, if you manage your time well you can easily set aside time to spend with your friends. I often sit in my accommodation corridor chatting to my neighbours or go to the college bar to see them too.

Also, Oxford is definitely not all work work work. Since term has started I have been to a Polo Crewdate (luckily I didn’t have to drink from a shoe), been to see Russell Brand speaking at the Oxford Union, watched the outstanding student production of “The Threepenny Opera”, dressed up as a spoon to my first college Bop, and attended the Somerville College 24 hour music marathon. I have also had cheese and wine nights, movie nights and (probably too many) club nights with my friends. There is time for you to enjoy your hobbies and still keep on top of your work. A friend of mine is in the college choir and part of the university fencing team whilst another friend is part of three orchestras, a band, the college choir and college rowing but they still manage to get all of their work done, and they both have time to chill too. It is really important that you do things like this because it will enrich your university experience.

Don’t worry about not having any time to have fun in between studying because I can guarantee you that it is not a problem. I am having the time of my life here at Oxford.

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