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A Reflection on Year 1

Writer's picture: TOG TOG

By Ada Meller

This year has been weird. There is no getting around that. I had dreamed of going to Oxford since forever and finally the time had come to set off on my journey to the famous 'Dreaming Spires'. I was filled with anticipation and excitement of all that this amazing university was going to have to offer. Then Covid hit and it was all turned upside down. Would universities even open? Would we be allowed a Freshers' Week? How would we make friends?

What was meant to be so exciting, suddenly became quite stressful but I kept reminding myself everyone was in the same boat.

Freshers' Week definitely wasn't the norm. We were put into little bubbles and it was kind of luck whether your bubble turned out to be people you had stuff in common with. One girl I know got paired with loads of second years, who were already friends, so didn't get to meet anyone in her own year during Freshers'. I felt really lucky that I had a great group and we instantly got on really well. It was pretty intense as we literally had to do everything together to start with. Over time, as things eased a little, we met more people by spending evenings outside in the freezing cold, with creative makeshift events - cue a bunch of shivering fairies partying in Port Meadow of a Saturday night!

Academically, so much was online, you could say it was pointless being at Oxford. But, for me, living in college, being immersed in the beautiful architecture, getting to see my bubble and eating in hall made it 100% worth it!

Hilary Term was, well, let's face it, a DISASTER! We were stuck at home for months on end, dreaming of being back in Oxford. We still had loads of work but none of the fun stuff and the unique stuff that makes the Oxford experience so special.

This made me even more buzzing for Trinity and I must say it has been a blast! We have had so much for freedom, I finally feel like I know my year group. I'd love to just do the last few weeks over and over again on repeat, picnics in the quads, punting, croquet on the lawns, nights chilling in uni parks.

All in all the Oxford experience has certainly been a different one but I'm still so happy I have had this year and am hoping next year will bring a bit more normality!


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